pros and cons of separate filesystems

Steffen Kluge kluge at
Wed Jun 28 05:59:21 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-06-27 at 15:38 +0100, Paul Howarth wrote:
> For me, the major advantages of the separate filesystems are:
> [snip]

I just like to add that using separate filesystems lets you mount them
with different options. For example, I mount all filesystems other
than / with option nodev, and all filesystems other than / and /usr
(maybe /usr/local) with noexec. This makes it harder for malicious or
inquisitive users to run their own software or play other tricks on the

Also, on mail servers, I use a separate filesystem for the mail spool,
and mount it with option data=journal, effectively forcing synchronous
behaviour. This is not ideal for performance but good for reliable mail


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