A question about acpi suspend.

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at infinity-ltd.com
Tue May 2 15:18:25 UTC 2006

Aaron Konstam wrote:
> I asked this question at the end of another long message where it
> probably was not seen. So I am trying again.
> This is no doubt a stupid question but I have to ask. Why can't we
> implement the suspend event by the lines:
> event=button/sleep
> action=/usr/bin/acpitools -s
> This causes the suspension when you hit the suspend button but when you
> resume by pushing the power button the running of the machine quickly
> locks up. What is the reason?
I am not an expert on this, but from what I understand, there is
some housekeeping that needs to be done before suspending the
machine, and some preparations that need to be done so that hardware
that doesn't suspend properly gets re-initialized when you come out
of suspend. For example, on my laptop, the video has to be change
from X to a VT before suspending, and changed back when coming out
of suspend. For some people, the sound drivers have to be removed
before going into suspend, and restored afterwards. Network
connections almost always need to be restarted as well. The way I
understand it, running "/usr/bin/acpitools -s" only handles putting
the processor(s) in suspend mode, and does not take care of the
housekeeping. It is intended for use inside a suspend script.


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