What's NTLM for?

Marcelo Magno T Sales marcelo.sales at sefaz.pe.gov.br
Fri May 5 12:59:12 UTC 2006

Em Quinta 04 Maio 2006 17:47, Ariel Frozza escreveu:
> Hi,
> I'm confused about the use of NTLM authentication.
> What's the relationship betwen Samba PDC, Winbind and Squid?

Both Winbind and Squid, depending on their configuration, may need to 
authenticate against Samba to do their jobs. If you configure Squid to 
control access to the Internet based on "Windows" users stored in Samba (user 
X can access sites A, B and C, user Y can't access sites D, E and F and so 
on), it will use NTLM to authenticate this users.
Winbind will need to authenticate against Samba if your Linux users need to 
logon to the "Windows" domain stored in Samba, or if they want to access 
shared resources (printers, file sharings) protected with "Windows" domain 


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