Yum not picking up 2111 kernel

Anthony Messina amessina at messinet.com
Sun May 7 07:06:14 UTC 2006

Jay Cliburn wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-05-06 at 21:57 -0500, Anthony Messina wrote:
>> Jay Cliburn wrote:
>>> I've tried rpm --rebuilddb and yum clean all, but haven't been able to
>>> coax yum into picking up the latest (2111) kernel.  I'm running 2096.
>>> I've seen other folks on the list remark on yum's recent inability to
>>> detect updates, too.  Does anyone know why yet?
>> i had to do a "yum clean headers metadata" alternated with "yum update"
>> 3 times to pick up the kernel from a different mirror.
> Why is this happening?  I've never had trouble with yum recognizing
> updates.
yum caches what it finds in the repodata for a certain amount of time,
which i believe is configurable by changing the "metadata_expire=1800"
line in /etc/yum.conf to something shorter.

perhaps you didn't notice it before today , because you may not have
been "yum updating" all day on a regular basis like you might have been
today to get the new kernel.  today, being a special day, we were all
checking often -- before our metadata expired.

so i cleaned it out, then forced yum to do a recheck from whatever
mirror it finds.


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