fc5: install everything?

Lee Maschmeyer lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu
Tue May 9 12:48:37 UTC 2006

I've been totally confused by my having clicked (I thought) to install 
everything, and yet apparently virtually nothing was installed from CDs 4 
and 5. I've always chosen Fedora precisely because it comes on 5 CDs instead 
of 1 and had an Install Everything button. The only refinement I'd like to 
see is some buttons for "install everything in <my language>". But you've 
got the magazines all jumping on "bloatware".

I think Debian is more popular than SuSE, isn't it? There must be a reason.

Lee Maschmeyer
<lee_maschmeyer at wayne.edu>

"Be kind to your fur-bearing friends,
For a skunk may be somebody's brother."
     --Fred Allen

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