Good Bye FC5

Andy Green andy at
Thu May 11 21:24:07 UTC 2006

Guy Fraser wrote:

>> Now, does anyone know how to execute the gnome menu button
>> remotely?  I normally connect to several different machines
>> and would like to have access to their menus and be able to
>> launch any available program without having to run the rest
>> of the desktop remotely.
> Sounds like crazy talk to me. ;^}

FWIW this sort of works in KDE.  If you ssh to another box with -Y and 
in the resulting bash session type


it does give you a "start button" from the remote box, in fact a whole 
panel.  But confusingly the panel reflects the windows open on your 
local box :-)  However the start button contents, and any apps started 
there run on the remote box but using your local display.  It's not 
quite what Les asks for but it's quite cool that it can work :-)

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