FC5 - Windows Emulator?

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Fri May 12 05:10:42 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-05-11 at 21:33 -0600, clemens at dwf.com wrote:
> OK, mabe I have a short fuse, but this afternoon I (finally) got fc5 installed
> ( I had problems with the CDs and only having a REBOOT button when I
> tried earlier in the week).
> BUT, first all the install screens have been simplified to the point that you
> have little or no choice of what gets installed. No two levels like they used
> to be.
> AND THEN, when it comes up I can find NO WAY to bring up a TERMINAL
> window.  Seems that should be #1 on some list but I cant find it at all.
> That would seem to make the emulation of Windows complete.
> I finally gave up and tried to close it down, but of course you cant do that
> either.  I could <CTL><ALT><BKSP> to kill X11 and get back to the login
> screen, and there were two buttons there that looked much like windows,
> and on windows would have let me shut down the system, but NO neither
> of them would do anything.  Finally had to power cycle to get out of this 
> thing.
> Not a good start.
> What do others think of this new look-and-feel?
> If this is where Fedora is going, Im going to have to try Centos.
seems as though you know just enough to be dangerous.

- <Control><Alt><F2> to get a virtual console

- 'First boot' wants you to create a regular user and if you abort the
first boot, it will be harder for you to create that user.

- CentOS is a derivative of RHEL which pretty much follows Fedora path.

I would suggest that you would get farther with an open mind and work
with the systems in place or if you really don't like them, try another


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