Finally getting rid of Windows (almost)

David Cary Hart Fedora at
Fri May 12 18:04:41 UTC 2006

On Fri, 12 May 2006 13:32:29 -0400, James Pifer
<jep at> opined:
> I've been running fedora core since fc3 in a dual boot with Windows
> XP. I'm now running fc5 and using vmware player to run Windows XP.
> I must say vmware works incredibly well on fc5. I don't boot to
> Windows XP very often and with VMWarePlayer working so well, I'm
> ready to make better use of the partition. 
> My current partitions are:
> /dev/hda1   *           1        3199    25695936    7  HPFS/NTFS
> /dev/hda2            3200        3212      104422+  83  Linux
> /dev/hda3            3213        9729    52347802+  8e  Linux LVM
> So can I just blow away the hda1 partition, create a new linux
> partition, and add it to the lvm? Or will that hose the boot/grub
> process? 
OT but could you provide a quick-start guide to VMware. I have the
player rpm. I assume that I need the server if I want to install
WinXP?? I have a licensed copy of WinXP. I cannot quite get a handle
on this.

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