Where things stand

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Sat May 13 16:38:16 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 09:48 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>     I loaded Fedora Core 5 after using Fedora Core 2 for a year or 2. It 
> was an experiance that was not happy. Due to problems I decided to 
> upgrade to Fedora Core 4 instead. That had it's problems too.
>     I d/l my FC4 cd's early after they became available and had the 
> problem that apps Thunderbird and Firefox would not run on it. I learned 
> from this list to yum libstdc++.so.5 and then they worked.
>     This all has been educational but I must say that Fedora Core 4 and 
> 5 are not for a person who knows little about a computer.
>     I wonder if a person d/l FC4 from a mirror today does it have the 
> lib or is it still missing it?
If you use yum to install software, it will automatically install
required dependencies but I am gathering that you are using Firefox and
Thunderbird programs not from Fedora Core but from mozilla org and are
installing them without yum and thus do not get any benefit from having
yum solve dependency issues for you so you are left to do that yourself.

Recognize that a massive amount of updates, both of security and bug fix
variety have been released for Fedora Core 4 and it is heavily
recommended that anyone installing Fedora Core should do a 'yum update'.
It should also note that this command will download a massive amount of
packages and take a very long time.

Also recognize that it is Fedora policy to EOL a release when the second
testing release is made subsequent - which means that Fedora Core 4 is
expected to EOL on July 12 (the projected release of Fedora Core 6
Testing 2). Given the relatively short lifetime of Fedora Core 4 at this
point, I'm not sure that I would do a new install with it.

Lastly, as luck would have it, FC-2 and FC-4 were substantially changed
from their predecessors and had a number of issues that were problematic
for a relatively large number of users where FC-3 was generally easier
to install/configure and I expect the same from FC-5



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