Upgrade from FC4 to FC5 caused httpd to fail and maybe cups

Gregory P. Ennis PoMec at PoMec.Net
Sun May 14 01:42:52 UTC 2006


I recently upgraded an FC4 to FC5 mail/httpd server.  The server
normally uses run level 3, and everything went well except that httpd
failed after the upgrade  In debugging this problem I found two files
that did not get upgraded:


"yum remove" failed to work so I replaced the above files from another
FC5 unit that had been a fresh install.  httpd appears to work normally
on the unit that had been upgraded from FC4 to FC5 now.  

Hope this information saves some time for someone else.  

I am having some problems with the cups server on this same unit, and
was wondering if anyone else had difficulty with cups after an FC4 to
FC5 upgrade?

Greg Ennis

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