gMFSK Blues

Rickey Moore wayward4now at
Sun May 14 12:29:16 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-05-13 at 19:28 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>     I compiled a copy of this application for FC4 and it looks perfect. 
> But when I tried to use it it does not get any signal from the speaker 
> of the radio. I can send tones to the soundcard DSB engine and turn on 
> the transmitter and send data in any of several modes. But data from the 
> radio to the computer is not there. I recall others complaining about this.
>     I still have on this huge 160 GB hard drive a FC2 system that still 
> works and I will verify that gMFSK works fine there and move back to 
> that version. I have had nothing but profound problems with FC4 and FC5.

Is your soundcard set to full duplex? So you can send and receive if
you're using sound out / microphone in at once? The default is half
duplex and an upgrade would set it like that. I think... that sounds
like your problem. Note: full duplex will eat up some cpu. I use KDE so
going into control center and editing the sound setup is where I would
change the duplex option. Hope that helps. 

ONE DAY, when I retire to a sailboat, I'll want to understand how
boaters use radio to send / recieve email html, etc. Is there a good
website you'd recommend? Ric

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