a halt that actually powers down my machine

Daniel Hedlund daniel at digitree.org
Sun May 21 18:17:02 UTC 2006


Can you give a bit more information about the mainboard that you're 
using?  Have you ever had another version or distribution of Linux that 
did shut down properly?  Some mainboards use APM for power management as 
opposed to the newer standard ACPI but the kernel sometimes has trouble 
handling certain configurations.  I'm not sure if this is still relevant 
or not, but have you tried passing a kernel argument of "acpi=off".  
Some BIOSes have problems and require that the BIOS be updated, or 
special flags provided while compiling the kernel (search for 


Daniel Hedlund
daniel at digitree.org

Antoine wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a desktop fc5, and when i issue halt, well, it turns off my
> machine. I have just installed a "server" (old p3), which I installed
> as a "web server" during the graphical install and when I issue halt,
> well, it kills all the processes but doesn't power down the machine.
> Even hitting the power button just restarts the machine... Can someone
> tell me how to get my server to power down on halt?
> Cheers
> Antoine

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