Securing SSH

Reg Clemens reg at
Tue May 23 17:53:27 UTC 2006

> I'm looking to tighten up my ssh configuration.  

Well, your going to have people banging on the door no matter what you
implement.  I finally had it with the log files (Logwatch) being full of this
pounding and did two things
    (1) in my firewall only allowed incoming ssh from my work network number.
    (2) Actually, that would have been too severe, I do want to get in from 
        outside numbers on occasion,- so I also allow incoming ssh from my ISP.
        So if Im outside, not at work, and need to get in, I first ssh to my 
ISP, then
        ssh home.   That ended the banging on the door.   I mean, I trust ssh,
        its just the time waisted reviewing the logs that this solves.

                                        reg at

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