starting fetch mail when system boots up

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Thu May 25 03:28:58 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 20:14 -0700, Don Russell wrote:
> Is there a (standard/best practices) way to start fetchmail 
> automatically when the system starts? I've googled and seen that it's 
> easy, just "service fetchmail start", but when I try that as root, I get 
> an error that says fetchmail is an unrecognized service.

In my /etc/rc.local I have entries like this, one per user:

su janedoe -c "/usr/bin/fetchmail -d 900"
su johndoe -c "/usr/bin/fetchmail -d 913"

NB:  I picked different poll periods so everything doesn't happen at
once, all the time.

(Currently running FC4, in case that's important to the thread)

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