how to configure apache for viewcvs & tortoise cvs at the same time on FC3

Ankush Grover ankush174 at
Tue May 30 06:32:50 UTC 2006

hey friends,

I am using cvs on FC3 and I have recently configured Viewcvs for browsing
the repository on FC3.The cvs client which we are using is tortoise cvs on
windows xp.

I want to configure tortoise cvs to show all the modules and the web log but
the problem we are facing is that

tortoise cvs needs full path to the repository to pull the modules list and
to show the web log  and the viewcvs is using the script alias is the url through which we can view the
repository and the tortoise cvs needs this url

means full path to the repository.

viewcvs.conf file under /etc/httpd/conf.d

ScriptAlias /viewcvs "/usr/viewcvs/cgi/viewcvs.cgi"
<location /viewcvs>
   AddHandler python-program .py
   PythonPath "['/usr/viewcvs/lib']+sys.path"
   PythonHandler apache
   PythonDebug On

How do I configure Apache so that we can achieve both objectives that we can
fetch the modules list & see the web log through tortoise cvs and at the
same time view the repository through the browser?

Please let me know if you need any further inputs.

Thanks & Regards

Ankush grover
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