installed CPAN but application still doesn't work

Dave Cross davorg at
Tue Sep 5 19:54:12 UTC 2006

On 9/5/06, Charles Curley <charlescurley at> wrote:

> As I understand things, cpan breaks things on Fedora Core,

As I understand it, there's a chance that you'll have problems if you
install some modules as RPMs and some through CPAN. This is because
most RPMs are constructed to put modules in the vendor_perl directory
and CPAN will install them into the site_perl directory - so it's
possible to end up with two versions of the same module installed.

> and cpan2rpm is the preferred tool.

Personally I find that cpanspec gives me higher quality RPMs.

> However, first check to see if the perl modules you want are available in extras.

That's the best advice tho'. Let someone else do all the work :)


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