FC5: touble building nvidia-kmod from livna

Dean S. Messing deanm at sharplabs.com
Sun Sep 10 00:13:00 UTC 2006

I'm having the devil of a time building (compiling) the nvidia-kmod
rpm for the kernel I'm running.  (Why does this have to be so hard!!!)

Here's what I've done.

I downloaded 


from livna.  They don't have the module .rpm for the
2.6.15-1.2054_FC5smp which I'm running right now so I figured I'd
"just" build the .rpm.

I then "installed" the .src.rpm with `rpm -i'.

Then I  edited the .spec file, changing 

      %{!?kversion: %define kversion 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5}


      %{!?kversion: %define kversion 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5}

at the beginning of the file.

I then did

rpmbuild -bb --target i686 nvidia-kmod.spec

and get the following error messages:

Building target platforms: i686
Building for target i686
error: Failed build dependencies:
	kernel-devel-i686 = 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 is needed by nvidia-kmod-1.0.8774-
	kernel-xen0-devel-i686 = 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 is needed by nvidia-kmod-1.0.8774-
	kernel-kdump-devel-i686 = 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 is needed by nvidia-kmod-1.0.8774-

What I do have installed is:

# `rpm -qa | fgrep kern'


What am I doing wrong?


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