OT: Inundated with bogus(?) warnings I'm infected

Mike McCarty Mike.McCarty at sbcglobal.net
Fri Sep 15 16:36:14 UTC 2006

Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 15 September 2006 06:49, Tim wrote:
>>>>However, be aware that a spammer may well send through a few servers
>>>>before leaving out for the wide world.  You can end up making a report
>>>>directly to a spammer.
>>Mike McCarty:
>>>Yes, that's always possible. But unless the spammer is his own ISP,
>>>reporting to the ISP of the spammer should be effective.
>>Anytime I tried reporting spam to a rather well known ISP, I always got
>>a bucket load more, straight away.  That lead me to believe the
>>following possibilities:
>>     * Spammer working in the ISP
>>     * Compromised machines in the ISP
>>     * The ISP reported to the spammer that I had complained about
>>       them, and identified me in the process.
>>I want an extra button on my mail client.  Next to the reply one, there
>>should be a destroy sender button which sends a few thousand Volts
>>through their PC...
> Where can I order me one of those?

I'll take two. Also, where can I get an automobile-
mounted rocket launcher to take care of speeders
weaving in and out of traffic and cutting me off
when I try smoothly to enter a highway during
rush hour?

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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