making cdroms read and write

Mike McCarty Mike.McCarty at
Mon Sep 18 20:03:13 UTC 2006

quoth the motey jdow:
> <<jdow>> Charles, on the Amiga we had a way to appear to write to a
> read-only style CDROM. It diverted the writes to a ram based or disk
> based cache that was searched first before the CDROM was accessed for
> read. Maybe this is the kind of tool the person is looking for.
> On another hand there are some utilities that will mount a CDRW as
> a read/slow-write filesystem on Windows machines. I've never tried
> to use one. The concept seems silly to ME. This might be what he is
> looking at.

I trow this is what he has in mind.

> On the gripping hand - maybe the concept of read-only physical
> media has not penetrated somewhere it should.
> One of the three hands may fit the situation here. Maybe if the
> gentle-person explained what he intended a little better he might
> get more astute answers.

"Gentle-person"? J.Dow being "politically correct"!?

BTW, the term "gentleman" is derived from ethnically-oriented
bias. It derives from "gentile" as opposed "jewish"; gentiles
obviously being better-bred than Jews. This word, along
with it's close relatives "gentle" and "genteel" etc. should
be expunged from the language of all who substitute "person"
for "man" in an attempt to be "nice". I've never seen any do
it, and consider such people to be hypocrites, anyway.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
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I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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