Checking internet connection without a winbox

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Sat Sep 30 11:02:25 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-09-30 at 12:40 +0300, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I suspect that my router is faulty, and I want to diagnos it. That is
> why I must eliminate the router and connect just by using the modem.
> How on earth can I do that on Fedora? Where do I enter my ISP username
> and password? The ISP only provids instructions on how to do that in
> Windows.

Look into PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet), that's the usual one.  There was a
client for it called "Roaring Penguin".  But I thought the network GUI,
neat, would lead you through setting up a new ADSL connection (or other

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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