Fedora 7 updates on computers without internet

Adalbert Prokop adalbert.prokop at gmx.de
Thu Aug 9 13:29:55 UTC 2007

jeff goudie wrote on Thursday 09 August 2007:

> Hello, I'm relatively new to Linux but learning more and more.   I've
> read man pages on yum and quite a few excerpts from various threads on
> updating Fedora machines, but haven't ran across on how to update
> Fedora machines that don't have internet access.

You must have at least one computer with internet access or else you won't 
be able to download the updates.

On this computer you can either mirror the complete updates directory 
(there are several ftp/http mirroring tools available) or download the
RPMS you need manually. Personally I use a little python script which 
behaves like a mirror tool and keeps only a list of files it already has 
downloaded. This way I do not have to keep the complete RPM mirror on the 
same machine on which I start the download.

Anyway, afterwards you will have to start createrepo on the directory 
containing all RPMs. It will build the repository's metainformation.

You can distribute this directory to all target machines by Samba/NFS/FTP. 
Simply add a apriopriate path on every target in /etc/yum.repos.d

If you are interested in my mirroring script look at



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