Converter from FLV to MP3 and AVI

Gueckel, P. gueckelp at
Sat Feb 3 19:30:05 UTC 2007

On February 3, 2007, Manuel Arostegui Ramirez wrote:
> I haven't tried from FLV to MP3, but I tried from FLV to AVI and ffmpeg did
> the trick

Would you be more specific, please. I tried it yesterday and the output was 
terrible. The sound was normal, but the video was too fast and played a few 
frames, then paused, played a few frames, paused, some frames, etc to the 

My processor was barely even stressed, so it was definitely not a matter of 

Also, the output was different in different players. xine played normally, but 
gave no sound; kplayer refused to play it at all; kaffeine and kmplayer did 
the stop and start accelerated dance (I think it was those two).

I tried converting to mpeg2 and using the mpgva audio codec.

Peter Gückel
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