Well guys the writing is on the wall !!

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Sun Feb 4 17:26:43 UTC 2007

On 2/4/07, Mark Knoop wrote:
> Fedora is a _community_ led distro - if you want KDE, then contribute
> to its maintainance.

The discussion of having separate spins started well before fc6 was
released. I'm a fedora kde user since the first day and I'm pushing
more kde apps into fedora. I can therefore tell you that, NO!, Fedora
is NOT dropping KDE and has NO intention to do so.

Compared to FC6, now the kde in F7 will have more contributors to
maintain it and add new features to it. We are all working hard to get
a nice KDE for you. And yes, having any contribution from your part is
always welcome. And I encourage you file as many bugs as you can and
follow them until they are properly answered. If you want to
contribute to KDE in fedora, I'll be happy to guide you in the baby
steps to get you settle and start working :)

Let's work together as one, and make KDE better at the fedora project.


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