Craig White craigwhite at
Thu Feb 8 05:07:08 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 15:15 +1030, Tim wrote:
> Craig White:
> >>> Most people generally just want to use a computer, not make a project
> >>> out of it.
> >>>
> >>> Windows isn't crap and just reading you express that sentiment makes
> >>> it clear that you aren't the least bit objective.
> Tim:
> >> And that's why Windows *is* crap.  As a long-suffering user of it, and
> >> long-suffering repairer of it for other long-suffering users of it, I've
> >> earnt the right to judge a product on how well, or otherwise, that it
> >> works.  If it weren't so crap, it wouldn't be so self-destructive, and
> >> users wouldn't have to make a pet project of it just to keep it in good
> >> health.
> Anne Wilson:
> > Can't help but feel that guns don't kill anyone - it's the person behind the 
> > gun that kills.
> I've always felt that mantra to be rather fatuous.
> > Many people use windows safely for many years.  I know one person who
> > reinstalls every few weeks, and another that only changes version when
> > a new box build is needed - several years apart.
> And many don't use it safely.  Many use it in a permanently broken
> condition, unaware that it is.  Unaware that it could be fixed, or
> unable to do so.  Unaware or unconcerned that it causes other people
> problems.  It's self destructiveness, inappropriateness for the
> unskilled users its marketed at, it's expensiveness yet lack of good
> workmanship, and a plethora of other problems that could fill pages if
> you expanded only slightly on the details are what makes it a crap
> product, just the same as any other crap product deserves being called
> crap, whether it's badly made shoes, motor cars, or anything else.
I have a WinXP system available with two taps of the scroll-lock key and
a press of the number 1 key. It runs very well but I hardly use it. It's
not self-destructive and the workmanship is certainly on a par with any
Linux desktop OS that I have used and better than any Macintosh OSX
desktop I have used. Of course I don't run as super-user on Windows just
like I don't do that on Linux either. My issues with Microsoft primarily
revolve around licensing issues that most users try not to understand.
Crap is a subjective characterization that may provide satisfaction to
those who want to believe it but that suggests that 90%+ of computer
buyers are fools. Your argument isn't convincing very many people.
> And those that do use it safely tend to be because they've made a pet
> project out of it.  All the plethora of add-ons required for safety,
> education beyond what's supplied with the manual, repairing it when *it*
> has stuffed up, and so on...
and you think Linux has a better track record on these issues?


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