Talking to Logitech on the phone regarding webcam support for linux

David Boles dgboles at
Thu Feb 8 18:50:35 UTC 2007

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Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 08/02/07, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at> wrote:
>> A better question for most of us might be "who knows more about how to
>> make it work best, you or the experts that designed it?  And as far as
>> changing it, wouldn't it be best to keep expenses down to let hardware
>> providers make changes as frequently as technology permits, supplying
>> drivers to match instead of waiting for an OS provider that might be
>> dealing with thousands of other devices to catch up?
> I would agree with you IF those same hardware providers actually DID
> get off their asses and write the drivers. But they are not.
> Dotan Cohen

There have been over one million downloads of Fedora Core 6 and I can only
think of maybe four people on this list that have mentioned webcams.

Do you suppose that since the driver developers get paid by the hardware
makers to write Windows drivers that they do it for that reason? They do it
for the money. And since you want free driver support for your free OS there
just might be very little incentive to pay to have drivers written for
Linux? For no money. I don't know what they are paying but I would think
that writing drivers for four people, give or take a few more, would not
even be be on the 'list of important things to do'.

Think about this that way.
- --

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