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edwardspl at ita.org.mo edwardspl at ita.org.mo
Thu Feb 8 23:54:27 UTC 2007

Les Mikesell wrote:

> edwardspl at ita.org.mo wrote:
>>>>>> chmod g+rwx ( What number of g+rwx, eg : ?77 ) /home/edward
>>>>> You can use the symbolic form literally. I think it's easier to
>>>>> understand. Let the computer do the binary/octal math.
>>>>> g+rwx means add the read, write, and execute bits for the group.
>>>> But I want to know what no of g+rwx...
>>> The + means it is added to the bits already permitted. Look at them as
>>> groups of 3 bits in binary and take the octal value.
>>> user group other
>>> rwx rwx rwx
>>> You'll start with a home dir having rwx --- --- so that's 111 000 000
>>> binary or 700 octal.
>>> Add the group rwx and you get 111 111 000 or 770 octal
>> So, g+rwx = 770, right ?
> No.. Literally it means to add the 2nd 7 (the ---rwx--- positions) to
> whatever was there before. In the case of a typical home directory it
> will be 770 because the first 7 ( rwx------) was already there.

So... what is the correct no for the pression limitation ?
Or may be chmod g+770

>>> That's one more bit to the left, 1 000 000 000 binary, so 1000 octal.
>>> Add that to what you have.
>>>>> Same here, you can type it that way and it means add the "sticky"
>>>>> bit.
>>>> Also want to know...
>>> Altogether, the octal value for the mode ends up at 1770. But, as I
>>> said before the computer does a better job of thinking in octal.
>> So, +t = 1770, right ?
> chmod +t ( What number of +t ) /home/edward
> Again, that is the case where you already have 770 set, but +t really
> means to add the 1000 bit to whatever was there. You can also specify
> absolute settings in the symbolic style:
> chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=t file...
> will set 1770 regardless of what is there and is easier to understand.
> See 'man chmod' for more details, but it helps to know that the modes
> are simply bits where 1 gives the permission, 0 does not. The values
> you compute in octal show the combinations of the bits but they really
> each only have their own independent meaning so I think the symbolic
> form makes more sense.
So... is it correct ?

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