Abiword plugins

Aaron Konstam akonstam at sbcglobal.net
Sat Feb 10 14:41:47 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-02-10 at 17:28 +1030, Tim wrote:
> Dotan Cohen:
> >>> [dotancohen at localhost .AbiSuite]$ ls -al
> >>> total 36
> >>> drwx------  2 dotancohen dotancohen  4096 פבר  9 02:42 .
> >>> drwx------ 49 dotancohen dotancohen  4096 פבר  9 02:42 ..
> >>> -rw-rw-r--  1 dotancohen dotancohen 16076 פבר  9 03:04 AbiWord.Prose arefile
> Aaron Konstam:
> > Another mystery is how you did a ls -al and did not get entries for . and ..
> They did.  They're the first two lines, they've just got some non-ASCII
 <(פבר) characters in front of the dots.  I'm presuming that they're the
> date's month, in Dotan's locale.
Anyway I have almost cracked the secret of the 36. All files must take a
minimum of a 4K block, So if you add a small file < 4K to the directory
the number will go up by 4. So the number is the sum of all the blocks
in the directory including . and .. (in multiples of 4) + 4. I don't
know where the + 4 comes from.  Maybe someone else can explain.
T-shirt of the Day: Head for the Mountains -- courtesy Anheuser-Busch
beer Followup T-shirt of the Day (on the same scenic background): If you
liked the mountains, head for the Busch! -- courtesy someone else
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam at sbcglobal.net

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