Bonehead Move

javajunkie javajunkie at
Wed Feb 14 00:44:00 UTC 2007

> I got the loopback working and can see all the partitions in the image. 
>   Since its a volume managed device I'm now stuck.  I can see the 
> partitions but I can't think of how to get around the lvm part to mount 
> them and see the actual contents.  I'm not that lvm proficient quite yet.

I used the following to figure it out.

You'll probably need to do /sbin/vgscan to figure out the lvm name then

/sbin/vgchange -a y;
mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /mnt/whatever

can't remember how I arrived at VolGroup00/LogVol00 but think there is
an explanation in the how-to


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