grub squashed?

Dan Hensley dan at
Thu Feb 22 00:43:49 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 18:57 -0500, Tom Horsley wrote:
> I'm seeing a very strange corrupted boot sector, and it has now happened
> twice (in several months).
> My 32 bit boot partition was fine the last time I booted, but today, I
> tried it and it prints the word GRUB on the screen, then proceeds to copy
> the screen to the printer port over and over again (making me hasten to
> remove the paper from the printer).

I had something similar happen to me, but not the part about printing.
Just about GRUB not booting.  Happened twice in the past 2 months, with

Things seemed to point to faulty hardware to the point of me buying a
new hard drive, but I ran a bunch of diagnostic checks on my hard drives
and they all pass.

> Now I gotta go off and figure out how to reinstall grub again (I have
> a procedure for reinstalling on the MBR, but this grub is just on the
> partition's boot sector, so I guess there will be some differences
> in the recovery procedures).

GRUB is on my MBR, so to reinstall it I booted off the rescue CD, did a
chroot /mnt/sysimage, and then

grub-install /dev/sda

Your install procedure will be slightly different.  My guess is

grub-install /dev/sda1

or something like that, but you'd better check carefully because I don't
know all that much about GRUB.



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