Saving the "Frequency Scaling Monitor" applet settings between boots

Michael Wiktowy michael.wiktowy at
Wed Feb 28 02:52:32 UTC 2007

Hello list,

This is a repost since I received no replies from my inquiry last
time. Maybe no one knows or it is impossible. I have dug through gconf
and found a key named applications->panel->applets->applet_0->prefs
that looks like the controls for the appropriate applet but the
setting I want doesn't seem to be there. I am just looking for a
little guidance.

Original post:
I recently updated my old laptop (850 MHz Dell) to FC6 from FC5. It
seems that FC6 is a bit more demanding of it such that while before it
could scale back to 700 MHz and things would work fine, now I need to
pin it at 850 MHz. The CPU Frequency Applet will allow you to do that
by setting the Governor to "Performance" or just setting the Frequency
to 850 MHz but this setting isn't kept between reboots. Is there a way
to save this setting so I don't have to keep resetting it each time?
Is there a better way to do this?


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