I might be ready to give up...

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Sun Jan 7 05:31:42 UTC 2007

At 4:23 PM -0600 1/6/07, Mike McCarty wrote:
>linuxmaillists at charter.net wrote:
>> On Saturday 06 January 2007 12:48, Charles Curley wrote:
>>>First off, please turn off the Highly Toxic to Mail
>>>Language (HTML) in your email. Thank you.
>> What mail reader are you using because KMail shows his email
>> as *No HTML Message*.
>I saved it as a file on my machine, and it sure had a lot of
>markup when I looked at it with a text editor.
>It did *not* however have the <html>...</html> indicators in it,

Here's the last headers and body of his first and messages.  Possibly the
way you saved the message removed the <x-html> tags.  I'm using an old
Eudora, with the Blah-blah-blah button on.

At 11:33 AM -0500 1/6/07, Hal Levy wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============2089546328=="
>Sender: fedora-list-bounces at redhat.com
>Errors-To: fedora-list-bounces at redhat.com
><x-html><!x-stuff-for-pete base="" src="" id="0"
>charset="ISO-8859-1"><div>I have not used any flavour of linux in more
>years than I care to even think about.&nbsp; I decided to give it a go
>with Fedora Core 6.</div>
><div>I installed on a older Pentium 2 MMX box. The install went smoothly
>and I was up an running in a short time.</div>
><div>Shortly after install I was notified about 140 some-odd updates that
>were availible and told the system to install them.</div>
><div>I waited... and waited.. and waited... and nothing happened- at all.
>No list of updates.. no notice updates were taking place. Nothing.</div>
><div>Well, after literally hours of nothing happening- I told the machine
>to reboot.&nbsp;&nbsp;While shutting down- the machine froze. The
>background image was about 1/2 removed from the screen and it just sat...
>I thought perhaps it was doing something- so I let that sit for a while-
>and again, nothing happened. I powered off.
><div>I powered back up- and boot starts normally- the graphic enviornment
>starts up and starts loading. </div>
><div>Near the end- when I expect the desktop to show- it reverts to the
>command line.</div>
><div>I looked at </div>
>fedora-list mailing list
>fedora-list at redhat.com
>To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list

At 11:40 AM -0500 1/6/07, Hal Levy wrote:
>Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============0072398063=="
>Sender: fedora-list-bounces at redhat.com
>Errors-To: fedora-list-bounces at redhat.com
><x-html><!x-stuff-for-pete base="" src="" id="0"
>charset="ISO-8859-1">Sorry- I am trying again<br>
><div id="mb_0">
><div>I have not used any flavour of linux in more years than I care to
>even think about.&nbsp; I decided to give it a go with Fedora Core 6.</div>
><div>I installed on a older Pentium 2 MMX box. The install went smoothly
>and I was up an running in a short time.</div>
><div>Shortly after install I was notified about 140 some-odd updates that
>were availible and told the system to install them.</div>
><div>I waited... and waited.. and waited... and nothing happened- at all.
>No list of updates.. no notice updates were taking place. Nothing.</div>
><div>Well, after literally hours of nothing happening- I told the machine
>to reboot.&nbsp;&nbsp;While shutting down- the machine froze. The
>background image was about 1/2 removed from the screen and it just sat...
>I thought perhaps it was doing something- so I let that sit for a while-
>and again, nothing happened. I powered off.
><div>I powered back up- and boot starts normally- the graphic enviornment
>starts up and starts loading. </div>
><div>Near the end- when I expect the desktop to show- it reverts to the
>command line.</div>
><div>I looked at
><div id="mb_0">
><div>I have not used any flavour of linux in more years than I care to
>even think about.&nbsp; I decided to give it a go with Fedora Core 6.</div>
><div>I installed on a older Pentium 2 MMX box. The install went smoothly
>and I was up an running in a short time.</div>
><div>Shortly after install I was notified about 140 some-odd updates that
>were availible and told the system to install them.</div>
><div>I waited... and waited.. and waited... and nothing happened- at all.
>No list of updates.. no notice updates were taking place. Nothing.</div>
><div>Well, after literally hours of nothing happening- I told the machine
>to reboot.&nbsp;&nbsp;While shutting down- the machine froze. The
>background image was about 1/2 removed from the screen and it just sat...
>I thought perhaps it was doing something- so I let that sit for a while-
>and again, nothing happened. I powered off.
><div>I powered back up- and boot starts normally- the graphic enviornment
>starts up and starts loading. </div>
><div>Near the end- when I expect the desktop to show- it reverts to the
>command line.</div>
><div>I looked at <a
>validated I had the i586 rather than the i686 kernel.&nbsp; I attempted to
>fix that. On step 2 the yumdownloader reports that a lot of
>repositoriy&#39;s are listed more than once in the configuration and then
>runs a short time - with a final notice of &quot;Errno 13&quot; Permission
>denied&nbsp; ./kernel-
><div>I looked further on the page and found <u><font color="#810081"><a
><u><font color="#810081"><a
>which seem like they might apply- but the instuctions, for a newbie, are
>incomplete so I am not sure what I should be doing.&nbsp; It talks about
>fixes in -updates-testing and so forth.&nbsp; However, I have no idea what
>any of that means.
><div>Can someone point me in the right direction?</div>
>fedora-list mailing list
>fedora-list at redhat.com
>To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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