xserver access problem

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at infinity-ltd.com
Sun Jan 7 17:07:31 UTC 2007

Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings;
> I've succeeded in making heyu run as a normal user.  But one of its 
> functions is to intercept an x10 palmpads output and control xmms for 
> when I'm in the basement playing pool with the neighbors.
> I know its against everyones better judgment here, but x is running as 
> root and will be.
> So now these xmms control functions are blocked by its not having access 
> to the display when its launched by gene. I just tried adding gene to the 
> screen group, but that made no difference.
> What would be the correct method to give gene access to a root xserver?
I do not understand why you have to run X as root just for X-10
control. Opening up the X display when it is being run as root is
also not a good idea. But if you are determined to do it this way,
then you have a couple of options. One way is to run "xhost +gene"
in the X secession to give gene access to the display. Another way
is to copy the /root/.Xauthority file to the home directory of the
people that you want to access the X display, and make it readable
to them. Keep in mind that this file changes every time you start X.

You  should probably read the xhost and xauth man pages. You can
fine tune the access xhost gives. You can use xauth to control the
access keys used by the X server.

There used to be at lease one X-10 package that would work with the
CM11A that used a client/server approach that would let you talk to
the daemon from other machines on the network and would let
user-space programs issue/monitor X-10 commands.


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