
Tim ignored_mailbox at
Sun Jan 21 06:37:27 UTC 2007

Les Mikesell:
>>> Are you saying every user needs his own instance and each will index
>>> all files accessible by that that user?  That doesn't sound very
>>> efficient for a multiuser system.

>> Hmm, dunno about that, unless you're hoping for some compression
>> efficiencies in the cataloging.  If you had three users which end up
>> with 1 megs worth of catalogs each, versus three users which each put 1
>> meg into a global catalog, you're still using 3 megs worth of disk
>> space.  Though, you mightn't want several indexing processes running all
>> the time, unless they really had a minimal load on the system.

Craig White:
> I suppose if you were using a supported version of fedora, you would
> have beagle installed and you could post informatively rather than
> speculating on things you haven't looked at.

You know something about my computer systems that I don't, hmm???

Here, I run FC4, FC5, & FC6.  I also use search engines on the
computers, and am well aware of the concepts of cataloguing work.
Beagle isn't some radically new concept.  Even HTDIG, years old, has
some similar abilities (reading drive contents other than just the
webserver htdocs directory, reading other file formats, databasing the
results in an optimised table, etc.).  Hell, I used to work in a library
where we did this stuff manually.


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