Getting people to say nice things about Microsoft

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Thu Jan 25 13:09:40 UTC 2007

On Thu January 25 2007, Ric Moore wrote:
> This sounds almost too good to be true, I think I would trust using a
> system like that, with a universal LSB format and plenty of mirrors
> maintained by the distros so one outfit doesn't rule the dnloads. I
> would not trust just one outfit to be in charge. We might find ourselves
> faced with a new breed of "shareware" with popups, gimmie gimmie and all
> the old windows crap. If it can be made equitable and everyone is happy,
> then I'd be for it. Ye Olde Curmudgeon, Ric

Just because they open up their repo's to the public, and make their package 
selection multi-distro, I don't think the other repos are going to curl up 
and go fetal, so I doubt it will ever get to the one mega-repo. As far as ads 
and such, I can't say - I've test run Freespire. I found it a very good 
distro in many ways, and the package selection was huge - they have a weird 
way of databasing the thing and when you open Yumex or Smart, you can watch 
it checking through something like 160+ different repo lists - that's a bit 
tedious. The other thing I found with Freespire and the package selection 
they made available was that it was rather far behind the cutting edge, 
software wise. Everything you install, just installs and works, and comes up 
with all sorts of pre-configuration taken care of - but, many packages were 
two or three major revisions back from what you get with Fedora. We'll have 
to see how that plays out because if they intend to become a Fedora repo, 
they're going to have to deal with that issue - maybe they're just going to 
mirror Fedora's existing repo's - who knows? The other thing that's of 
interest to some and anathema to others, is that they do happen to be the 
first Linux distro that is legally licensed to distribute packages that will 
play Windows Media - that was part of their settlement with Windows where 
they gave up the "Lindows" name in exchange. I believe they are already 
making those packages available in the free CNR repo. I tried all this back 
when the first Freespire beta was released - it may be time to try it again 
since the second beta was released about a month ago. Oh, and I just 
remembered one other thing that put me off about Freespire - there were never 
any updates. That could have been because it was early beta - though I do 
remember reading something about how that was a 'feature' of the paid version 
of the repo  - the free version would only provide security updates within 
each release cycle, or something like that - I could have all this wrong, and 
I'm sure they are going through a lot of changes in policy, anyhow. Time to 
revisit I guess...

Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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