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Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Sat Jan 27 17:46:40 UTC 2007

Craig White wrote:

> Having tracked down an issue with selinux, postgresql and pam/ldap
> authentication on a CentOS 4 system not too long ago, I recognize the
> frustration of life with selinux and it took several days of questioning
> both the postgresql and selinux lists before I got it resolved and ended
> up leaving my solution on the postgresql list in case someone follows
> down the same path or even better, for Tom Lane (one of the principle
> postgresql developers and rpm packager for Red Hat) to use.
> There are some that curse the darkness and those that light candles.

How is this a postgresql issue? Shouldn't the solution really be posted 
to the distributions that combine those packages in a way that caused 
the problem?

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at

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