downloading fc7 updates manually?

John Summerfield debian at
Mon Nov 5 10:07:45 UTC 2007

Dave Burns wrote:
> I'd like to download all the rpms of security updates to fc7 since the
> release. I will be using a machine running fc6, so "yum -y update"
> won't actually do it.
> If getting just the security updates is hard, I'd settle for getting
> all the updates.
> If for some reason getting the updates is hard, I guess I will have to
> try to make a private mirror of the repository. That's a bit more
> elaborate than I really need, but at least it has been discussed
> recently on the list.
> How should I choose a repository to get stuff from? Usually I just let
> yum do it, and I don't know what's going on under the hood. Is there
> some FAQ or howto I should look at? I tried googling and poking
> around, found the basic release rpms at, but can't figure
> out where updates come from. Must be overlooking something obvious.

apt-get, on Debian, has the "--print-uris" switch just for this purpose. 
It prints a list of URIs for the packages needed to bring _this_ box up 
to date, then you can take that list to someplace else and shove into wget.

You might request it as an enhancement to yum.



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