smoltSendProfile doesn't for F7 right now!

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Tue Nov 6 23:37:01 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 20:36 +0000, Mike C wrote:
> In that case I am puzzled, Rahul - I would have thought that since
> port 80 is standard and I can make browser calls then this would work
> without a problem....
> However the same is happening on two different machines at work.... I
> have just sent the data from 4 machines at various relative's homes
> without a problem!
> I will try again tomorrow and if the problem persists and it might be
> smolt rather than the network then I will file a bz

Can you browse the smolt website with your web browser?  I found it
painfully slow the other day (e.g. well over half a minute to get just
the home page to show), perhaps the server is getting bogged down, or
maybe it's a routing issue between it and some ISPs.  If so, the smolt
daemon mightn't like trying to interact with it just as badly as my
browser didn't like things.

(This computer runs FC7, my others run FC4, FC5 & FC6, in case that's
 important to the thread.)

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