F7 to F8: no joy =/ - yum update

David Timms dtimms at iinet.net.au
Wed Nov 14 11:36:13 UTC 2007

André Costa wrote:
> Well, a network upgrade with yum should work, but what will happen if
> I lose connection for some reason? 
Don't risk it. You should be able modify the info at:

edit /etc/yum.conf to keepcache=1
{if you have the DVD iso, copy it's rpms into the yum cache 

yum install yum-downloadonly
time yum --downloadonly -y upgrade
Repeat if you have download/network problems.
Once successfully downloaded, remove the --downloadonly:
time yum -y upgrade

I'm interested to know how long the download and the install actually take.

Additionally, you may be able to save a serious amount of time through 
divide and conquer eg:
time yum -y update xorg*

> Is it possible to use yum to upgrade from the installation DVD?
You would need to do a few special things; create a fedora-media.repo 
and point it to the mounted CD. As well as have the network available 
for updates the aren't on the DVD but instead in Fedora Everything.


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