how do you force anaconda to use vesa?

Jack Howarth howarth at
Wed Nov 21 03:35:12 UTC 2007

   I found that when I tried to run the x86_64 Fedora 8
installer on a machine which currently runs x86_64 Fedora 7
that the X gui of the installer doesn't appear. I believe the
problem is that the radeon driver is trying to drive the
ATI Radeon X1650 Pro graphics card but only produces a black
screen. I don't see any particular errors in the virtual console
that anaconda launches X from.
   Is there anyway to force anaconda to default to the vesa
driver (which is what Fedora 7 was doing)? I tried adding
'vesa' to the kernel options at the beginning of the installation
but that didn't help. I am loath to do a text installation if
I can find some way to suppress the radeon driver for the
install (since I will use fglrx afterwards).
    Thanks in advance for any advice.

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