Jim Cornette fc-cornette at
Mon Nov 26 22:45:15 UTC 2007

Les Mikesell wrote:
> Rudolf Kastl wrote:
>> most replys just made me laugh. if you rate form higher than content
>> you are wrong on a technical list. 
> What's the point of a 32-bit OS in this century?  And why the blackhat 
> name which is well-recognized as something else already?

All our home computers and all our work computers are 32-bit. The 
computers we sell as part of products to customers are all 32-bit. Most 
existing software in the windows world is 32-bit that people use in masses.
The amount of 64-bit computers to 32-bit computers is probably still 
low. It is probably lower than the ratio of Linux vs. Windows computers.

Who desires an MS windows partially compatible computer instead of 
running the real slop is a better question. Hunting down drivers for an 
imitation windows compared to using the originally installed vendor real 
Windows implementation is a better option.

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