how to share internet connection in fedora

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Wed Nov 28 14:01:08 UTC 2007

Paul Shaffer wrote:
> maybe I'm the only one who understood the question.  I thought he stated
> very simply and straightforward exactly what he needed:
> "can u plz explain me how to share internet connection in fedora os"
> The answer and pertinent pointers are pretty simple as well.  Sorry you
> don't get it. 
Yes, it sure looks like you are the only one who understood the
question. That is a good indication that the question was not
written clearly. It probably would have helped if it were written as
an e-mail instead of looking like something you would text to a cell
phone. That alone limits the number of people that will understand
it. (It also limits the number of people that will be interested in
providing help.)


A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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