how to share internet connection in fedora

Paul Shaffer ace_wizard at
Wed Nov 28 15:24:29 UTC 2007

Oh, I almost forgot:
  "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." 
  - A. Einstein

Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at> wrote:
  moi wrote:
> The difference is simple: Anyone can give advice such as "write yourself 
> a firewall and routing script" or "try it with webmin" - you can only 
> hope he has access to those.
> You "understood" he has a fully configured network and a server with at 
> least two Ethernet Cards, able to do the forwarding/NAT. If *any* of 
> those assumptions is wrong, he may end up with a misconfigured network 
> and NO internet access. how cool.

And how would that be worse than the popular OS that has a checkbox for 
internet sharing - which only works when you have a suitable network 
topology? Microsoft does it like this: in case you are confused about 
the term.

Les Mikesell
lesmikesell at

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