Bumping Live CD install to regular install after installation?

Arch Willingham arch at tuparks.com
Thu Apr 3 21:40:54 UTC 2008

Is there any way to run a script that will bump an installation created by a live CD up to a standard installation? If that is confusing, here is what I want to be able to do.

1. Boot to a Live CD
2. Tell it to install to the hard disk and then reboot to the new hard drive installation.
3. After it boots, a very limited version of the installation is there. I would like to then be able to tell it to update the new installation so that it has the same basic packages as a standard installation.

I started to do the "yum groupinstall Base", "yum groupinstall xxx", etc but it looks like that are fifty bazillion groups and, they seem to install a ton of packages you don't need. Is there an easy way to do this (I know...someone will say "Just do a standard installation" but I'm stymied there for a variety of reasons that no one here would probably find interesting)?



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