Samba won't dance (more info)

Bill Crawford billcrawford1970 at
Tue Apr 15 16:58:24 UTC 2008

On 15/04/2008, Anne Wilson <cannewilson at> wrote:

>  FWIW, a while back I had a thread on the CentOS list about being unable to get
>  user mode working, and I found, as you did, that even after re-starting samba
>  it still didn't work - but then did a while later.  I've never heard a
>  convincing argument as to why that should be so.  HTH

Quite often it is purely down to the delays caused by the "browser
election" process coupled with getting whoever ends up being master
browser to acknowledge that your server exists. It's a bit of an
over-simplification and probably wildly inaccurate, but reflects my
experiences here (where it fails regularly due to someone adding a
machine called "WORKGROUP" to the network :o)).

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