Am I blacklisted?

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Wed Apr 16 20:27:36 UTC 2008

>> Evolution seems to write the statuses on exit, and if it doesn't exit
>> nicely, the last set of statuses that should change, aren't changed.

Patrick O'Callaghan:
> Evo updates status when you change folders (or exit cleanly). This is
> a pain sometimes but that's how it is.

I've taken to pressing CTRL+E (expunge current folder) every now and
then, as I read through the mail.  That will delete messages marked for
deletion, and seems to properly write statuses, at the same time,
without having to mess about with changing folders, or hoping that
Evolution doesn't crash while exiting (which it does a lot, here).

I only persevere with it as all the alternatives that I've tried are
even more annoying than Evolution (for a variety of reasons).

(This computer runs FC7, my others run FC4, FC5 & FC6, in case that's
 important to the thread.)

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.
I read messages from the public lists.

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