F9: libusb & palm syncing not working

Kevin Page fedora-list at krp.org.uk
Thu Jun 5 09:29:10 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 17:50 -0700, Brian Mury wrote:
> BTW, I followed the instructions
> in /usr/share/doc/pilot-link-0.12.3/README.fedora to set up the visor
> module. I can synchronize this way by pointing gome-pilot
> at /dev/ttyUSB0, but the /dev/pilot link does not get created.
> An extremely minor issue to be sure, but I'm curious why I don't
> get /dev/pilot. Ideas?

What does lsusb show when the handheld is connected?

The description for USB devices changed upstream relatively recently
(which comes down from http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids via the hwdata
package) and may not trigger the
  SYSFS{product}=="Palm Handheld*|Handspring*"
match in 60-pilot.rules any more. If so, you could try changing the
match string.

A more thorough method might be to replace 60-pilot.rules with a
modified 60-libpisock.rules (a copy should be
in /usr/share/pilot-link/udev/), which matches from a list of all the
Palm USB VID/PIDs. For Fedora you'll need to change the GROUP to "uucp"
and if you want a /dev/pilot symlink add a SYMLINK="pilot" to each line.

ATTRS{idVendor}=="054c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0038", GROUP="uucp", MODE="0660", SYMLINK="pilot"

Let us know how you get on and we can change README.fedora if necessary.

Using the visor module and these udev rules has always been problematic,
which is why we're migrating to libusb. It doesn't seem like there's any
reason the m130 shouldn't work with libusb except that it hadn't been
tested. The pilot-link maintainer has generously offered to try and buy
an m130 to work it out, so you may want to follow developments on
pilot-link-general too.



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