live CD root password?? -- UPDATE : real oddity

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Mon Jun 9 19:14:09 UTC 2008

Beartooth Sciurivore wrote:
> On Sun, 08 Jun 2008 23:33:23 -0700, Mick M. wrote:
>>   to be root "su -"  note the minus sign.
>> Then "passwd" enter roots new password twice.
>> Then when you need it just type it in.
>> A lot of CD releases you have to "sudo" to do root stuff. e.g. "sudo
>> fdisk -l"
> 	Yes, I know all that; I must just have been too lazy to type it; 
> but I was trying to ask what the password *is* -- none of my guesses 
> ([none], root, toor, fedora, arodef) worked. And if it was in the readme, 
> I missed it.
I have no idea what the password is, but I think you are missing what 
people are telling you, what you want to do is "sudo su -" to actually 
become root, and if you really need to set the root password you can.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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