HELP: Missing unison during preupgrade install

Latchezar (Lucho) Dimitrov ldimitro at
Mon Jun 16 04:09:53 UTC 2008


I started preupgrade install/upgrade from fedora 8 to 9 and got stuck
with horribly looking error msg about unison227-2.27.57-8.fc9.x86_64.rpm
being corrupted or missing. The only options I have are "retry" and
"reboot" however the msg says if I exit the system would be in
inconsistent state and most likely I have to make a new install. I
looked in the mirror used as well as in the Packages dir in the DVD I
have (I did not use it for the upgrade, just have it) and indeed there
is no any unison rpm there.

Please help me avoid a new installation. Is there any way to make
anaconda skip this rpm or to d/l the rpm from somewhere and give it to
anaconda? Or another option ... ?

Thank you very much,

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