Memory, swap, and limits

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Wed Jun 18 13:58:47 UTC 2008

Beartooth Sciurivore wrote:
> 	Every new computer I've yet had has begun slowing down soon after 
> I get it -- probably because I keep several browsers open, with from 
> several to many tabs each. I've learned long since to make sure each 
> machine has all the memory it can handle from the git-go, before it ever 
> reaches my house. And every time I do an install, when I get to 
> anaconda's partitioning stage, I try to triple the swap; it always 
> refuses.
> 	Yet the little bar graph that Gnome's System Monitor (2.22.2 on 
> the present F9 machine; probably the same on all the rest -- I always 
> upgrade early) puts on my panel seldom shows a total of memory and swap 
> together much less than 95% in use.
> 	Otoh, I've never gotten anywhere near filling up a hard drive, 
> except once when I had a testbed machine triple booting three different 
> distros. So why can't I at least increase the swap space? 
I believe there is a limit to the size of a swap partition. I don't 
remember what it is. But you can create more then one swap 
partition. The system will use them all. You also have the option of 
adding a swap file after install. Try this, and see if it helps. But 
remember, when you start doing a lot of swapping, the system is 
going to slow way down.


   Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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