NM alternatives for wireless

Andras Simon szajmi at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 12:36:30 UTC 2008

Are there any alternatives to NetwokManager for managing wireless connections?
I don't care if it's got gui or cli as long as it lets me configure
multiple connections and choose from among them.

NM itself did its thing until I started to run icewm from ~/.Xclients
- I guess this prevented starting some gnome thingy that NM needs.
Never mind, I didn't care for NM's "don't ask, connect" policy anyway.

I tried wifi-radar: it basically hangs while trying to establish the connection.

wlassistant looks more promising: it's more configurable, and it at
least gave up trying to connect with an error message:

iwconfig_ap: /sbin/iwconfig ath0 ap 00:18:F8:42:03:3E
==>stderr: Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No
such file or directory
Using wpa_supplicant driver: wext
WPA client started. Waiting for status...
disconnect: /sbin/iwconfig ath0 mode managed key off ap off essid off

The only way I can connect now is starting nm-applet, telling it a few
times that it shouldn't ask for the passphrase for my gnome-keyring (I
didn't know I had one!), then giving it the WPA key of the AP it's
supposed to connect to. (It's nice that NM protects the key (if this
is what it does), too bad it protects it from me, too.)

All this is on an eee pc.


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